Est. 1859
The Comber Fair


Saturday, August 10th

Chairpersons: Rob Duquette (519)791-3436, Laura Roy (519)809-4454

  • Everyone is welcome to take part in the parade.
  • Refreshments provided following the parade for all children in sections 1-10 in the Community Hall.
  • The Parade starts at 11:00, see map below, for the parade route.
  • Any organization / business wishing to participate in the Comber Fair Parade please be at the Royal Bank Parking lot if you are a Child, Dignitaries and Antique Tractors line up on Ford Street, Floats and Commercial Equipment line up on empty lot across from the A&W at 10:30 am on Saturday.
  • All operators of motorized vehicles in the parade must be 16 years of age or older.
  • Children MUST wear a helmet if riding a bicycle/trike/scooter/go-cart/dirt bike in the parade.


For Section 1-10: 1st $10.00, 2nd $6.00, 3rd $4.00

  1. Best decorated bike –up to 4 years
  2. Best decorated bike –5 to 8 years
  3. Best decorated bike – 9to 15 years
  4. Best decorated doll buggy, baby buggy or stroller
  5. Best decorated children’s wagon
  6. Best costume – up to 4 years
  7. Best costume – 5 to 8 years
  8. Best costume – 9 to 15 years
  9. Best decorated lawn mower, go-cart or dirt bike
  10. Best decorated person on roller blades, skateboard or scooter

For Section 11: 1st $75.00, 2nd $60.00, 3rd $45.00

11. Best decorated children’s or family float

For Section 12: 1st $100.00, 2nd $75.00, 3rd $50.00

12. Best decorated corporate float